
Scolded for putting in 2 weeks notice

I (22NB) was originally hired by a small engineering firm. By my second week of working there he had me sit in his office and in a very angry tone told me that he didn’t like the “dynamic” that was forming and how I need to actually do everything he tells me to do. I was really trying but every time he told me what needed to be done, he gave me several tasks, didn’t explain things clearly, and spoke very fast so I unintentionally missed a couple things. At this meeting he essentially told me that if it continues he’ll fire me. A couple weeks later I was asked to sit down with him again. At this meeting he told me that wearing Hawaiian shirts wasn’t acceptable because they aren’t business casual and I can’t wear them if I want to have a good long career with the company.…

I (22NB) was originally hired by a small engineering firm. By my second week of working there he had me sit in his office and in a very angry tone told me that he didn’t like the “dynamic” that was forming and how I need to actually do everything he tells me to do. I was really trying but every time he told me what needed to be done, he gave me several tasks, didn’t explain things clearly, and spoke very fast so I unintentionally missed a couple things. At this meeting he essentially told me that if it continues he’ll fire me. A couple weeks later I was asked to sit down with him again. At this meeting he told me that wearing Hawaiian shirts wasn’t acceptable because they aren’t business casual and I can’t wear them if I want to have a good long career with the company. This as well as other comments and the general attitude in the office made me uncomfortable. Anyway, I got an offer for my dream job recently and immediately put in my two week notice which would make the 29th my last day. My boss came back from his vacation on the 18th and I was told I needed to meet with him and one of the other head engineers. At this meeting I was scolded and told that I was the most unprofessional person they have worked with, that I was a liar, and finally that by the end of the day I needed to turn in my keys and take the rest of my time at the company off. I am now essentially jobless for 2 weeks until my new job starts. After scolding me so much for my actions and passive-aggressively hinting towards firing me, he got pissed at me when I quit.

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