
How much more can people take realistically?

I mean seriously. I live just above the liveable wage line and split costs with my gf. We have it really good compared to most and that’s heartbreaking. I think about old work colleagues at my old job scraping by on minimum wage and have no idea how they’d be making ends meet. People are getting squeezed for everything they have just to survive. How much longer can people survive like this before the mass strikes and riots begin? Being realistic if you corner the sleeping beast that the working class is how long until it pushes back? Haven’t the people suffered enough already under these corporate giants? Genuinely concerned for my friends and family who are losing everything to inflation while companies make record profits! Why do CEO’s need hundreds of millions when even a fraction of that being distributed to the workers would change their lives for the…

I mean seriously. I live just above the liveable wage line and split costs with my gf. We have it really good compared to most and that’s heartbreaking. I think about old work colleagues at my old job scraping by on minimum wage and have no idea how they’d be making ends meet. People are getting squeezed for everything they have just to survive. How much longer can people survive like this before the mass strikes and riots begin? Being realistic if you corner the sleeping beast that the working class is how long until it pushes back? Haven’t the people suffered enough already under these corporate giants? Genuinely concerned for my friends and family who are losing everything to inflation while companies make record profits! Why do CEO’s need hundreds of millions when even a fraction of that being distributed to the workers would change their lives for the better? I’m so confused and frustrated by the world we live in because it shouldn’t be this hard just to be happy.
In my decent situation I still wake up every morning dreading work. I get upset and want to break down daily and I’m better off than most and that infuriates me.
Rant over..

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