
Thinking of leaving $95k remote job for non-remote that pays 45k. Am I crazy?

This has been a crazy year for me. I left a career type job in December for a totally remote position in same field (insurance) that paid over 50% more. Long story short, I resigned end of February. It was misrepresented and the stress and bullying was unbearable. I secured another great remote job in May, insurance, same role. I'm doing great but training remotely stinks and I'm realizing that maybe I've had my fill of insurance — always slammed, stress, demanding agents, the never ending saga of trying to write and retain business…the list goes on I have an opportunity to take a non-remote admin position in a small office, different type of business. I'd be working with at least one good acquaintance in an interesting field. It would pay 45 to 50k versus the 95k I'm making and no health insurance. I'd have a short commute. It's not…

This has been a crazy year for me.

I left a career type job in December for a totally remote position in same field (insurance) that paid over 50% more. Long story short, I resigned end of February. It was misrepresented and the stress and bullying was unbearable.

I secured another great remote job in May, insurance, same role. I'm doing great but training remotely stinks and I'm realizing that maybe I've had my fill of insurance — always slammed, stress, demanding agents, the never ending saga of trying to write and retain business…the list goes on

I have an opportunity to take a non-remote admin position in a small office, different type of business. I'd be working with at least one good acquaintance in an interesting field. It would pay 45 to 50k versus the 95k I'm making and no health insurance. I'd have a short commute. It's not the career type job so just adjustment of work path i suppose.

My expenses are low and I have a very large cushion in savings from a divorce/house sale. I'd have to get someone to walk my dog too which is an expense.

I'm realizing I've just got anxiety off and on from work and maybe the isolation from working remote is getting old.

I know I'm way more secure financially and can make this work. I kinda feel dumb saying goodbye to the corporate, career path world, even though its so stressful — pay and benefits are great but at what price? I guess I worry my manager and coworkers will think I'm nuts, was a bad hire, etc.

I'm mid 50s. I think I'm realizing that peace of mind and quality of life are more important that a job that pays great but has the responsibility and stress to match. What's the point if you have to work extra hours to stay caught up and what's the point of having PTO if people are afraid to take it because they come back to tons of work.

I'd like your thoughts to ease my mind. I feel stupid considering leaving another position after a few months. But health is important too. Life is short.

Like I said….it's been a crazy year. sigh

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