
Finally leaving my job of 3 and a half years, give me your best passive aggressive response to management!

Public employee here, works in finance office for the past 3 and a half years. Was encouraged to move up in title, scammed into taking on additional tasks and more complex work, and when the higher title opened up, the initial conversation vanished as if it never happened. Was then forced to interview for the title because I scored well on the exam, was told I don't meet expectations of the current job because I refused to do the work of the incompetent Deputy (nicknamed Deputy IDK by the entire town) after years of performance punishment. About a week thereafter, I received a higher paid and higher titled offer elsewhere, put in my two weeks notice (6 days of which is vacation time approved prior), which leaves about a week of being at work. Delusion is a hell of a drug as management still communicates with me as if I'm…

Public employee here, works in finance office for the past 3 and a half years. Was encouraged to move up in title, scammed into taking on additional tasks and more complex work, and when the higher title opened up, the initial conversation vanished as if it never happened. Was then forced to interview for the title because I scored well on the exam, was told I don't meet expectations of the current job because I refused to do the work of the incompetent Deputy (nicknamed Deputy IDK by the entire town) after years of performance punishment.

About a week thereafter, I received a higher paid and higher titled offer elsewhere, put in my two weeks notice (6 days of which is vacation time approved prior), which leaves about a week of being at work. Delusion is a hell of a drug as management still communicates with me as if I'm staying, what are some passive aggressive comments or responses you suggest?

I know I already won big, being able to leave on my terms, and timing it so my two weeks notice is barely a week, and so soon after I was rejected for the promotion.

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