
How, if at all, can I get back on my boss?

I live and work in the Netherlands, so if you are from the Netherlands also, or if you happen to know a thing or 2 about the Dutch law, can you help me maybe? My boss has a policy in place that says we can make a sandwich for ourselves for our break, but that goes at the cost of our break time. I work at a supermarket, so we have all the ingredients to make a sandwich during our break. However, it annoys me and refuse to have to do that at the cost of my break. For those of you who don’t know, my boss is in his right to do so. Dutch law states that a boss can ask his employees to use their break time to make a sandwich, so there is no way I’m gonna win if I were to fight him in court. My…

I live and work in the Netherlands, so if you are from the Netherlands also, or if you happen to know a thing or 2 about the Dutch law, can you help me maybe?

My boss has a policy in place that says we can make a sandwich for ourselves for our break, but that goes at the cost of our break time. I work at a supermarket, so we have all the ingredients to make a sandwich during our break. However, it annoys me and refuse to have to do that at the cost of my break.

For those of you who don’t know, my boss is in his right to do so. Dutch law states that a boss can ask his employees to use their break time to make a sandwich, so there is no way I’m gonna win if I were to fight him in court. My question is if there is anything else I can do to mess with my boss. (But not in any way that would get me in trouble, I don’t wanna get fired)

If you are confused about what I mean by “messing with my boss”, let me tell you a story I heard from someone. The story takes place 30 or so years ago, when it was still costume for people to smoke on a regular bases.

The person who told me this story, said that her then boss allowed people to take a 5 minute break ever hour, in addition to the “regular” breaks everyone else had, 1 of 30 minutes, and another smaller break of 15 minutes. This person didn’t agree with that, and she started smoking. Both to make a statement, and as a protest against this policy. Her boss, surprised by this, asked her since when she started smoking, the other person said: since you allow for extra smoking breaks!

If you have any ideas of what I could do, please let me know. It can be something as small as going number 2 during work time. (Which now that I think about it, is probably what I’m going to do anyway)

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