
Tipping (and possibly a different perspective)

More than likely this post will be buried, but I wanted to put it out there. I should note I am a Bartender, and I love my work. I am extremely passionate about it, and hope to open my own bar one day. Having spent a lot of time on this subreddit, I see many people are against the idea of tipping in the service industry. They claim that employers should pay better wages, governments should abolish server wages etc. These are all valid and fair ideas, and hard to argue, but there's a perspective I would like you to consider. Time and time again companies avoid paying livable wages, and they will always continue to do so. The fact of the matter is, these companies would rather die than do what I said above. They are the enemy, and want to stay that way, and it is going to…

More than likely this post will be buried, but I wanted to put it out there. I should note I am a Bartender, and I love my work. I am extremely passionate about it, and hope to open my own bar one day. Having spent a lot of time on this subreddit, I see many people are against the idea of tipping in the service industry. They claim that employers should pay better wages, governments should abolish server wages etc. These are all valid and fair ideas, and hard to argue, but there's a perspective I would like you to consider.

Time and time again companies avoid paying livable wages, and they will always continue to do so. The fact of the matter is, these companies would rather die than do what I said above. They are the enemy, and want to stay that way, and it is going to take a long time before changes will be made to give the people true leverage and force companies to pay what they should. So with this in mind, it's easy to see companies are the enemy. People are not. Look around this subreddit, it's people cheering others on, wanting others to succeed and make good money, people who have a vision for a brighter future. People (usually) are not cold and heartless, and want others to succeed, where companies will replace you in an instant and see you as nothing more than a number on a spread sheet. What I'm getting at is people in the service industry rely on you, the people. Because when corporations and the rich refuse to help, your fellow man is all you have. It's not a good system by any means, but it's just how it is. Server wage will not be abolished any time in the near future, because it is not only ingrained in American culture, but it allows companies to make more money than they probably should. Something that as I said above, companies will fight and die over to keep the bankroll rolling.

My point is this: In a world of mega corporations and greed, and rolling a boulder uphill to go against it, there is a perspective to be noted in that you are able to help your fellow man survive when companies and corporations would rather you die so they can hire someone to do your job for cheaper. Would I prefer a high hourly wage guaranteed? Probably. But I take solace in the fact that the people can help me in a space where fat cats fail to lend a hand. Fight for better wages, it's a good fight to have, but at least consider the good in the fact that we are able to help each other.

Or don't, and just say tipping is fucking stupid and I sound like a shill for corporations that own restaurants. Up to you.

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