
Mandatory Super Spreader?

What’s a good response to this? I work for a subsidiary of a large global company. We’ve been on a hybrid schedule where we are loosely expected to be in the office “40% of the time, on average.” Practically, I will go in when there is a meeting that I need to attend, not just to “be there.” I got an email that one of our parent company’s board members will be in the office next month for a few days. They have tons of people flying in from all over to meet. They also asked that all local employees be in the office those days, basically to fill seats, make it look busy, and show how well the hybrid work arrangement is going. I’m not invited to any meetings, just expected to warm a chair. This is all happening 5 days before the one family vacation week I have…

What’s a good response to this?

I work for a subsidiary of a large global company. We’ve been on a hybrid schedule where we are loosely expected to be in the office “40% of the time, on average.” Practically, I will go in when there is a meeting that I need to attend, not just to “be there.”

I got an email that one of our parent company’s board members will be in the office next month for a few days. They have tons of people flying in from all over to meet.

They also asked that all local employees be in the office those days, basically to fill seats, make it look busy, and show how well the hybrid work arrangement is going. I’m not invited to any meetings, just expected to warm a chair.

This is all happening 5 days before the one family vacation week I have this summer. I can imagine already that these meetings will result in a bunch of people getting sick, and I’ll probably have to skip my trip.

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