Everyone can have their own discussions below but I’ve been on this sub for some time now and I see people when they are working a job that mostly relies on tips as a source of income always complain about not getting tips. Look I understand it may have been the only job available to you but as far as I’ve seen this sub is dedicated to get paid what your worth and don’t cater to big business. That is what your doing when you work a top job. Your choosing to make people like you and I pay for your wages instead of the company actually just paying you a livable wage. I think tipping should be abolished from jobs all together. Coming from someone who has worked for tips before and does tip people that are deserving of it. I just don’t understand why we allow this to keep going.
Also this may be a hot take but if you are just delivering food. You deserve a very small tip or no tip at all. Someone took that order, someone cooked the food, and someone hired you to drive two blocks to bring it to the lazy ass your bringing it to. That’s a group effort and you shouldn’t be the one just getting the tip. If anyone wants to hate a random person on the internet for this be my guest. I could really care less. We can truly do better but people are just stuck in the old ways of this terrible society we live in. Thank you for reading.
Edit: I haven’t ordered food or anything else for years. My conversation on tipping was from the past. Don’t get your feelings hurt on my account. I just don’t see why people subject themselves to tipping jobs then complain when they don’t get tipped. You know people are not going to tip you sometimes. Get over it or do your best and find a job that pays an actual wage. The moment you realize your giving the company’s (you swear to hate) what they want the better. Again who cares I’m just a random person talking.