
Cold calling cell phones-NOT OK!

To start, yes, I know it's a HUGE TCPA violation to do this and I am actively looking for a new job. Here's a little more backstory on my nightmare… A new CEO took over a few months ago and completely changed my job duties. To add salt to the wound, I was told about a month ago that my salary was being cut by 65% because the company was not very smart in where they invested money; I got the whole “you can make even more with commissions” speech… but I still fail to see how that will help them financially if they are circling the drain. At first, I tried to stay positive that I still had a job when other people were laid off completely but now I'm miserable with a job that I once LOVED! So, one of the tasks I was given was a spreadsheet…

To start, yes, I know it's a HUGE TCPA violation to do this and I am actively looking for a new job. Here's a little more backstory on my nightmare…

A new CEO took over a few months ago and completely changed my job duties. To add salt to the wound, I was told about a month ago that my salary was being cut by 65% because the company was not very smart in where they invested money; I got the whole “you can make even more with commissions” speech… but I still fail to see how that will help them financially if they are circling the drain. At first, I tried to stay positive that I still had a job when other people were laid off completely but now I'm miserable with a job that I once LOVED! So, one of the tasks I was given was a spreadsheet of phone numbers to cold call but instructed that I shouldn't/not allowed to spend time researching the companies I'm calling. After a handful, I realized many of these were cell phone numbers and asked CEO to set me up with our auto-dialer so it would automatically suppress calls made to a cell phone to avoid a fine of up to $16k per violation if someone reports it. Crickets… Additionally, we do not have an account to access the national do not call list so I'm at a loss at what to do. I can't resign until I have a new job, I'm still full time at this role, and I'm a single mom so it is challenging to make time to search new opportunities. I'm angry and hurt that after years of doing something I love it's turned to this but still have loyalty to the company and don't want to see them go down over something that could have easily been avoided. Any resources or helpful advice are greatly appreciated!

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