
What my boss said to me when I told him we needed more staff because I was working 13 hour shifts with no breaks.

Right listen to me , I haven’t dismissed anything, this has happened because of the way you have conducted yourself not me , you are the patronising one by advising me how to run my kitchen you , a boy who has had no work experience tell me with 10 years of kitchen experience that I should of hired more experienced staff , forgetting that I didn’t do that purely to give YOU a chance and now you are showing how immature you are , accept my advice, move on , and you will be very luck to get paid after how you have carried yourself.

Right listen to me , I haven’t dismissed anything, this has happened because of the way you have conducted yourself not me , you are the patronising one by advising me how to run my kitchen you , a boy who has had no work experience tell me with 10 years of kitchen experience that I should of hired more experienced staff , forgetting that I didn’t do that purely to give YOU a chance and now you are showing how immature you are , accept my advice, move on , and you will be very luck to get paid after how you have carried yourself.

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