
Quit the most poorly managed job I have ever experienced

Never ever work for Green Gene CBD under any circumstances. At least not the Eugene, OR location, but I doubt their other locations are any better. My experience there was godawful. To start, they called me Dakota (which is not my name) when initially reaching out. A silly but honest mistake, I let it slide. Everything went fine for the first week, it was simple enough. Offer people CBD tea, tell them about CBD, try to sell them expensive products, blah blah blah. As someone born into poverty, of course I felt disgusting in a sales job (one 9000mg CBD tincture cost $419, was $420, as if a single dollar off would make any difference), but a job is a job. Then I heard my boss say quips like “You've gotta act like you're the expert” during a very lackluster training, and “Isn't making money fun??” after we made our…

Never ever work for Green Gene CBD under any circumstances. At least not the Eugene, OR location, but I doubt their other locations are any better. My experience there was godawful. To start, they called me Dakota (which is not my name) when initially reaching out. A silly but honest mistake, I let it slide. Everything went fine for the first week, it was simple enough. Offer people CBD tea, tell them about CBD, try to sell them expensive products, blah blah blah. As someone born into poverty, of course I felt disgusting in a sales job (one 9000mg CBD tincture cost $419, was $420, as if a single dollar off would make any difference), but a job is a job. Then I heard my boss say quips like “You've gotta act like you're the expert” during a very lackluster training, and “Isn't making money fun??” after we made our first sale. It isn't fun, it's a necessity to live as a human being in this capitalist wasteland we call America. I'll never understand that mindset. By the weekend we received a group text (from WhatsApp of all things) along the lines of “IF WE GET TO $5000 IN SALES BY WEEKEND EVERYONE GET $75 BONUS dollar-sign eyes emoji×10 fire emoji×10” which just felt like straight capitalistic cringe MLM-level garbage. We received another message like that but Independence Day-themed. Big red flags. We barely made $200-$400 a day, sometimes even zero sales, so that $5000 goal was just baffling. Then the owner left, off to another store location, and everything fell apart. We were running out of specific tea flavors (that people really wanted to buy and kept asking about) and other products but never got those shipments in, even though they were supposed to arrive the week after I started there. We ran out of cleaning supplies and had to use watered-down Windex and things the manager brought from home to ensure the place didn't get filthy. The prices on almost every single product went up which resulted in even fewer sales. Everything started breaking or malfunctioning. The girl who he had appointed manager and left in-charge had only been there 2 weeks (since the store opened), with no prior management experience and insufficient training. She and her boyfriend (2 of the 4 of us who worked there) went to California with no warning or announcement, leaving just my coworker and I to work 7 days by ourselves. We were supposed to get more employees but the manager wasn't there when the interviews were supposed to happen, no call, no show. My poor sweet coworker, whose first job was this shitshow, had to reschedule the people who had their time wasted. By the time my manager returned, not even a week later she and her partner developed strep throat. To make matters worse, I was also sick and couldn't go in. Because the owner didn't want to deal with the mall fining them for closing before 7 pm, MY MANAGER WITH STREP THROAT HAD TO GO IN FOR 3 HOURS TO CLOSE THE STORE, exposing herself to customers and possibly contaminating the store. That was the final straw for me and I knew I never wanted to step foot in that place again, so I flat-out quit. As if they weren't wildly unprofessional enough, during the last pay period they entered my account number wrong and now I'm not recieving my check for another week. I expect this company, or at least the store, to go under. It's only a matter of time. I'm glad I left that sinking ship before it was pulled under. Thank you to anyone who read this far.

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