
I am absolutley frustrated with my store manager.

I work at a retail store. I have busted my behind off and have the best numbers of all the employees, I work doubles whenever he asks, cover shifts whenever he asks. I had no problem as I like my coworkers and it was extra money + comissions. He liked me, then I had to put an animal of 16 years down. So I tried to get my shift swapped with someone who was willing to do so and had the same clearance I had. He didn't like it that, told me I was being irresponsible and I am scheduled to be there, so I followed up with asking if I could come in later after the appointment, as I didn't want to call out and leave my other coworkers hanging. He refused to respond. I called to the store to talk to my assistant manager (who is awesome) but…

I work at a retail store. I have busted my behind off and have the best numbers of all the employees, I work doubles whenever he asks, cover shifts whenever he asks. I had no problem as I like my coworkers and it was extra money + comissions. He liked me, then I had to put an animal of 16 years down. So I tried to get my shift swapped with someone who was willing to do so and had the same clearance I had. He didn't like it that, told me I was being irresponsible and I am scheduled to be there, so I followed up with asking if I could come in later after the appointment, as I didn't want to call out and leave my other coworkers hanging. He refused to respond. I called to the store to talk to my assistant manager (who is awesome) but he picked up the phone after finding out it was me and told me to just come in after the appointment and bring a note. I get to work an obvious mess, my assistant manager is livid upon finding out about it and sends me home and she sent me money to get something comforting to eat. My next instance is when we were hiring for a keyholder, my managers/keyholders wanted me to interview because they thought I would do well, all my coworkers come to me for help and respect me. Well he would never interview me, and the one day I called out as I was physically assaulted by my mother in law was my supposed interview. He never told me once. I wanted the posistion so bad I would have forced myself in. So I didn't get it because I was to irresponsible to remember it. Then I had a two week period that I would have unreliable transportation, I let him know this 2 months in advance as I didn't want him to schedule me on certain days and then I wouldn't be able to make it in. He told me well it was an HR problem so he would get back to me and send him times I could work during this two week period, of the 14 days I couldnt work for about 7 of them spread out through the two weeks. I waited until it was a couple of weeks away and never heard from him and he wouldn't respond to texts, so I just put in for the days I couldn't work, expecting him to still schedule me on some of my days I could come in. I had two shifts in those 2 weeks both of which he cut due to low sales which was fine I guess I understand as we are a seasonal store and everyone is getting about 16-20 hrs a week. I come back to work bust my behind off again to get my numbers back to the top. Couple of weeks go by a coworker asks for my shift and I'm fine with it as I know he needs the hours more than me and it gives me more time to pack my stuff as I am in the process of moving. A couple of days later my manager accuses me of forcing my coworker to take my shift, and how I'm never coming in for my shifts (I've only called in one time in my 8 months and picked up so many shifts because he “needed” me) and how “I demanded more hours to make up for my two weeks I missed so why am I switching?” To which I replied “I asked for more hours months ago when we had the extra hours and overtime to give, and if you knew that I supposedly asked for my extra hours why did you cut my shifts?” Which made him mad and everytime I made a point he would switch subjects until he just told me to leave his office. Now while everyone is at 30 hours I have 8 or less a week. I haven't worked in 3 weeks as he keeps cutting my one shift a week. Tomorrow I have an interview for pharmacy technician, and it is an hour before I work I hope I get it because I honestly want to just tell him to shove it. Even if I don't get the job tomorrow I really want to still tell him to shove it and quit. For reference I would be the only associate on closing shift tomorrow so it would leave him in quite a predicament.

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