
I just want to let you all know there is hope out there

I don't know if my post applies, maybe I should post it to /r/work lol. But anyways. I landed one of the best and luckiest jobs of my life in terms of my co-workers and managers. The work is draining and meh, but honestly I GLADLY stay to work an extra 20-30 minutes sometimes just because I'm happy to work for this company. This company is rated something like top 20 places to work in all of Canada. 2 years ago I was dropped out of school, depressed, looking for work. I contacted a hiring agency (I live in Canada) and they pretty much gave me an interview, had me take a technical typing test, and microsoft excel test. It was all very easy and I scored very high (something like 100 words per minute with 98% accuracy). Within 1 month they found 2 jobs for me, one a very…

I don't know if my post applies, maybe I should post it to /r/work lol. But anyways. I landed one of the best and luckiest jobs of my life in terms of my co-workers and managers. The work is draining and meh, but honestly I GLADLY stay to work an extra 20-30 minutes sometimes just because I'm happy to work for this company. This company is rated something like top 20 places to work in all of Canada.

2 years ago I was dropped out of school, depressed, looking for work. I contacted a hiring agency (I live in Canada) and they pretty much gave me an interview, had me take a technical typing test, and microsoft excel test. It was all very easy and I scored very high (something like 100 words per minute with 98% accuracy).

Within 1 month they found 2 jobs for me, one a very easy going office job for data entry, and the second being a more legal job that I had to be vetted more in that was also data entry, with oppurtunity to grow, so I took this job. I had to take a criminal record check, a credit check, and provide 3 references which each were called and they asked questions about me. I took this legal job (not sure if I can say what it is, but I work with very sensitive information). I was technically an employee but was a contractor for a year and 2 months.

I'm so fucking glad I took that job. Pretty much I started working with people way smarter than me, and who knew about the field way more than me and went to school for it. I had to bombard people with questions every day for a month straight, but luckily for me, everyone was extremely nice and provided me with organized notes, and my senior manager is always there to happily answer my questions, even to this day I have to ask questions.

My main manager was one of the nicest people I've ever met. She came in every single day at 9:00am going around to everyone in our office saying good morning with a wide smile and asking how their morning is etc. Sadly she quit 2 months later and covid hit so we started working online.

Now I have 2 managers. Words cannot describe how perfect they are. Not only do they come in and check on our mental health, they're extremely inclusive and respectful when it comes to office etiquette, and being a decent human being. Never once have I felt guilty taking a sick day because they are both so caring (and theyve never asked for a doctors note, not once, I've taken a lot of sick days too because I got covid for a whole month). I told them I had social anxiety and cant make small talk with all the people in my office (I'm one of the only guys working with 38+ women), so they purposefully include me in conversations when theyre around. It makes me feel so happy as I'm usually focused on my work and focused on keeping my metrics up.

We do get monitored monthly for how many tasks we complete, and accuracy, as well as get audited since the things we do are very sensitive. But if your stats get low for a month or two they don't come pesker you about it, or drill you for anything. As long as our target goal is getting achieved as a team, we are all chilling. You will only receive a friendly email if you're making the same mistake and it gets caught. And the training is extremely thorough and professional.

I've worked for a pizzeria before as a delivery driver, I've worked for walmart, landscaping, and data entry for a different office. All of them treated me like a dog. Like I'm just another pawn used to do the dirty work and get worked like a slave so I can make the CEO profit.

This company (which I'd love to name, don't think I'm allowed to legally) is the greatest company I've ever worked for. Every year the profit gets shared with EVERY employee across Canada. It's amazing. I received a $1500.00 bonus last year for christmas. On top of that, every year we get a raise to accommodate for inflation. Although it's not much (like 3-4%), it's still something. They compare our salaries to the cost of living in our city and adjust accordingly on top of that.

We get amazing benefits, free coffee and tea in the lunchroom. Can take a break whenever you want. If you show up late then who cares! Just stay in and make up for the time lost. Wanna come in early to the office randomly? Go ahead come in early that day and leave early, it's no problem. The way they're handling this covid situation is amazing too. Extremely respectful. The CEO of our company regularly talks to the ENTIRE company 4x a year through a zoom meeting, and addresses all of our concerns which you may submit anonymously. The CEO visits every office in person and talks face to face with whoever wishes. We regularly have lunches and snack events.

Although the pay is not the greatest (I'm only making $45k / year). Everything else is so perfect that it makes me want to stay. I feel so great that I can focus on other aspects of my life like studying for programming, and exercising daily, while I'm working. They allow you to listen to music, youtube, TV shows, etc, while working as long as you're doing your job properly.

Thank-you so much to my two managers, my 3 person team, and all of my lovely co-workers. I'd love to name you all as well as the company and how great it all is, but legally am not allowed to šŸ™‚

I hope everyone in this sub finds a company like mine one day. It boggles my mind reading some of the posts on this subreddit, that people can treat eachother so lowly in the work environment.

Have a good day šŸ™‚

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