
Venting re hobby to job

I'm so frustrated by capitalism. I dont want to hustle. I dont want to turn my hobby into a side thing and then eventually a job. I dont want to destroy my love for fun activities by needing money from them. The only reason I am trying to do it is because I am absolutely terrified of working a boring 9-5 for the rest of my life. Honestly I dont think I can take it, its my worst nightmare. Is anyone else in a similar situation? I feel like im gaslighting myself into thinking i will still enjoy it once its a job, just to cope because its my only chance at a life thats worth living.

I'm so frustrated by capitalism. I dont want to hustle. I dont want to turn my hobby into a side thing and then eventually a job. I dont want to destroy my love for fun activities by needing money from them. The only reason I am trying to do it is because I am absolutely terrified of working a boring 9-5 for the rest of my life. Honestly I dont think I can take it, its my worst nightmare.

Is anyone else in a similar situation? I feel like im gaslighting myself into thinking i will still enjoy it once its a job, just to cope because its my only chance at a life thats worth living.

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