
I feel like I’m being scammed by my manager/company

About two weeks ago, I have received via email that a new job position in my department has been created. When I looked at the job description, it felt awfully close to what I'm currently doing, and connecting the dots I assumed it would be an upgrade of my current job, to which then I sent in my application. My immediate manager knew about it and “reassured” me that the job position is not what it is, and it was awfully written. According to him, it is a only an assistant, who would take some work load off of me. I have spoken with another manager, and she made me realize that I was being scammed. She has a huge history with the company, and basically said that there is no way that the HQ would step in to create a new job in the department only for an assistant,…

About two weeks ago, I have received via email that a new job position in my department has been created. When I looked at the job description, it felt awfully close to what I'm currently doing, and connecting the dots I assumed it would be an upgrade of my current job, to which then I sent in my application.

My immediate manager knew about it and “reassured” me that the job position is not what it is, and it was awfully written. According to him, it is a only an assistant, who would take some work load off of me.

I have spoken with another manager, and she made me realize that I was being scammed. She has a huge history with the company, and basically said that there is no way that the HQ would step in to create a new job in the department only for an assistant, and that it doesn't make sense that an assistant would need to have 8 years of experience and to manage budget and campaigns.

After my talk with her, I went to the CEO and told him that I have to know more details about this job, because so far all I got is conflicting information. He dodged me and said that he doesn't know too much, and put me in contact with the HQ to give me more details.

The HQ has been postponing this call twice now.

In the meantime, my immediate manager came to the country, and spend the entire week trying to talk to me out of this job position, we literally sat down for an hour, giving me a whole speech that this job position is not suitable for me, and the one that I currently have is better in the future or whatever (I did record him during our talk).

I really feel like I'm being played, and our HR manager is on my side for this. I have a feeling in my guts that they are either plotting to get rid of me, or for any other reason. And I am really surprised if this is the way it pans out because for the 3 years I have been in this company, I have always reached my KPIs, cutting costs, did what I had to do and even more. I'm the only person who does what I do, whereas in other subsidiaries, there is a whole team of at least 3 people doing what I do.

I welcome any sort of advice, because frankly speaking I feel like I want to quit and leave them in this mess, but I don't currently have any leads…

Thank you.

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