
Why is it so hard for an employer to keep to thier word nowadays, even over the simplest things especially when you’ve done work for them for free!

Moved back from university and am looking for a part time job or job in my Industry. Almost every company I have applied for has taken me to the interview stage and then go on to say “we'll let you know by this date”. Now Im okay with a company that doesn't get back to me, it's a little infuriating but nothing I haven't experienced before. One thing that I can coming across a lot though is companies asking for a trial shift or for me to pitch a product to them (essentially working for free) and for them to turn around and say we'll let you know, then not uttering a word. Like where is the acknowledgement that I took time out of my day to come in and work for free, the least you could do is get back to me with a simple email or phone call,…

Moved back from university and am looking for a part time job or job in my Industry. Almost every company I have applied for has taken me to the interview stage and then go on to say “we'll let you know by this date”. Now Im okay with a company that doesn't get back to me, it's a little infuriating but nothing I haven't experienced before. One thing that I can coming across a lot though is companies asking for a trial shift or for me to pitch a product to them (essentially working for free) and for them to turn around and say we'll let you know, then not uttering a word.

Like where is the acknowledgement that I took time out of my day to come in and work for free, the least you could do is get back to me with a simple email or phone call, it's courtesy after all.

The sad thing is I've been told as well throughout university to ask (especially when you are going for professional jobs) for an tips or techniques from the employer if your application didn't make it any further.
Every time I have reached out for advice I've been flat out ignored or they completely ignore the question and just tell me I didn't get the job.

I don't know but I'm getting fed up of all of this and it's really putting a bad taste in my mouth. But the bigger question is, how hard is it to keep to your word these days as an employer, more specially on something as simple as letting candidates know if they are successful or not.

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