If you keep treating the workers like slaves, eventually they will smarten up, stop working and revolt. Then you lose your profit margins. Not much you can do to delay the inevitable other than maybe stop treating them like slaves.
Your liquidity crisis is caused by wealth hoarding and wealth concentration into a minority; this is liquidity that could be freed up to improve infrastructure and living standards which ironically would lead to you becoming wealthier by virtue of a better functioning economy.
Unfortunately when your slaves no longer have enough money to feed themselves or stay healthy and warm, they will basically stop spending money which will paralyse the economy from the ground up.
This will nullify the value of any of your speculative investments that are dependent on revenues and expenditure from the working and middle classes.
And thus lead to eventual economic collapse not just on a fundamental infrastructure level as is happening now but eventually on a speculative level when corporations can no longer find ways to speculatively/synthetically buff their profit/loss reports.
And by that I mean buybacks, non-standard accounting practises, retail #stonks hype (remember they don't have money to speculate); none of that will work.
And then you'll not only lose a tonne of paper wealth as those portfolios crash, you'll have an angry mob at your door because eventually that mob will clock that you're the cause of their suffering.
But perhaps more importantly all those luxury goods and shiny hype things you exist to accumulate as show off of your wealth will struggle to be produced (shiny things require a skilled workforce to create but guess what; they're underpaid and overburdened to exhaustion too now).
So not only are those shiny things going to cost more to produce, you'll have less money to buy them with and I can guarantee you their quality will be lower (if you are even the type of person to notice).
So dear billionaires please enjoy your wealth while it lasts. It won't last long if you don't value infrastructure enough to invest in it; this means investing in people, better wages, better working conditions, better training, better facilities.
It also means committing strategies to maximise liquidity not just in the sense of money flow but improving efficiency and reducing cost of human movement flow/transport; information flow (education, training); cultural flow; scientific flow etc, etc.
Because a more fluid society is a more efficient, productive and overall happier, creative and more interesting society. So in the UK for example a same day return train ticket to London should not cost me more than a return flight to Morocco.
Because that creates a massive liquidity barrier to physical information exchange and discourse within the UK itself (poor people can't afford to travel therefore cannot exchange ideas or participate in the economy so freely). This is just one example of many.
But it demonstrates how making something so fundamental to the economy only affordable to a minority can fundamentally cripple or hold back your economy at the very basic level. We should not have such systematic intrinsic inefficiencies; the internet alone does not negate them.
So I would like to think that when the UK and other economies dependent on and driven by cultural class and wealth divides and indifference to or even encouragement of wealth inequality eventually implode, we may finally have some insight.
And when it does; I hope they've found this thread and shared it far and wide so it gets to the people it needs to. I'm happy to advise and help but I can only do so much at this time in my secluded position.
If this resonated with you please share and repost it. I also co-host a show called the Super Dangerous Club which may be worth your time.