
Please advise on my situation

I work in a call center, am L1 HelpDesk agent. Recently, a total of 5 agents from my team have left so now it's the 2 of us that have to deal with about 200-300 end-users's bullshit while the other 2 are newbies in training I was just about ready to go offline after my shift had ended, when my team leader notified me he had assigned 15 more tickets to me which Imma have to deal with on Monday. On average I have to deal with about 20-25 tickets incl. calls a day, but since these 5 agents have left and it's the 2 of us now, my workload has increased about 3-4x. Easily. I told my TL that if they want me to bear a significantly increased workload, they will have to compensate me proportionally and accordingly expressed in %. Without that taking place I refuse to give…

I work in a call center, am L1 HelpDesk agent. Recently, a total of 5 agents from my team have left so now it's the 2 of us that have to deal with about 200-300 end-users's bullshit while the other 2 are newbies in training

I was just about ready to go offline after my shift had ended, when my team leader notified me he had assigned 15 more tickets to me which Imma have to deal with on Monday. On average I have to deal with about 20-25 tickets incl. calls a day, but since these 5 agents have left and it's the 2 of us now, my workload has increased about 3-4x. Easily.

I told my TL that if they want me to bear a significantly increased workload, they will have to compensate me proportionally and accordingly expressed in %. Without that taking place I refuse to give a fuck how much my company has lost because of a ton of SLAs being missed due to shit management (I do not recruit nor manage, I am just a fucking employee!). If I was a CEO and I actually got a fair share of all those thousands of EUR that a single SLA is worth (or so they told me), yes I would give a damn but that's not my reality so idgaf. I am getting paid peanuts compared to how much my CEO and even my manager has made off every cent I have made in the last 6 months I have been with my company.

I feel like this is a sinking ship. I frankly do not give a fuck about my company's situation as long as I don't get a fair share of the money those SLAs are worth (I work for money, my labor isn't free of charge and every cent I make, my CEO makes a dollar off me yada yada welcome to capitalism).

So my plan is to get fired by not giving a fuck since I am not getting compensated for the increased workload accordingly and proportionally, and my very recent request of a pay raise has been denied by HR and the Ops Manager.

Thoughts and inputs please

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