
Relocating for minimum wage

My truck broke down so I am in a pickle trying to pick up another job but the jobs I can do love relocating you with a pay grade of $10-$15. Like these people can't be serious how can I just pickup and move somewhere else at that pay grade 🙁 I really don't know what else to do since I'm in a rural community and jobs good paying jobs are scarce. I worked to hard for everything I own to just have to give up and let go. These rich bastards need to pay I've been paying them for too long.

My truck broke down so I am in a pickle trying to pick up another job but the jobs I can do love relocating you with a pay grade of $10-$15. Like these people can't be serious how can I just pickup and move somewhere else at that pay grade 🙁 I really don't know what else to do since I'm in a rural community and jobs good paying jobs are scarce. I worked to hard for everything I own to just have to give up and let go. These rich bastards need to pay I've been paying them for too long.

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