
my boss is a useless pig

Me and my coworkers have had the worst time with this new guy who got hired as the head of our department. Figured I'd share the email I sent to HR. Names obviously edited out. “I'd like to address the current complaints I have about boss, as well as some we as a team have discussed openly with each other while boss isn't around.  It all seems to center around boss' attitude, lack of experience in being a boss, and lack of caring about his role. Boss' daily mood can sway quite a bit depending on his personal life, and some days he's completely unapproachable. The days when he's in a good mood, he's often found daydreaming, browsing facebook, or on his phone. There have been numerous occasions where one of us needs something specifically from boss, and it takes at least 3 or 4 times asking him to do it. Or…

Me and my coworkers have had the worst time with this new guy who got hired as the head of our department. Figured I'd share the email I sent to HR. Names obviously edited out.

“I'd like to address the current complaints I have about boss, as well as some we as a team have discussed openly with each other while boss isn't around. 

It all seems to center around boss' attitude, lack of experience in being a boss, and lack of caring about his role. Boss' daily mood can sway quite a bit depending on his personal life, and some days he's completely unapproachable. The days when he's in a good mood, he's often found daydreaming, browsing facebook, or on his phone. There have been numerous occasions where one of us needs something specifically from boss, and it takes at least 3 or 4 times asking him to do it. Or he'll have information for us, and he'll forget to tell us about it, a recent example being a training that needed tech set up and higher up told him about months ago, I didn't find out about it until days before, because boss forgot to tell me. We have countless examples of this.

Boss also is way too involved with his and our personal lives at work. I saw him asking coworker what perfume she used because she smelled nice (which made her very uncomfortable). He is constantly telling us stories about his love life that we don't want to know. He asked repeatedly about a party I was having until I felt guilty enough to invite him. And he has asked me very personal questions about being Trans, which I don't mind when people do but as my boss, it's incredibly uncomfortable. 

This is honestly just scratching the surface, and even though I make all these complaints, I do think he's a decent person but as I said from the top, I really don't believe boss knows how to be a boss, or honestly even cares.”

Apparently an investigation is being opened into him now ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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