
Fired for the flu

So my dream job I chased for months that I loved decided to fire me today. The reason attendance. I missed 4 days last week cause I had a confirmed flu test and doctors note. My state is an at will state. So basically I got fired today for not coming to work and spreading the flu to everyone at the office. I have a 2 year old and just took out a loan to fix a bathroom in my aging FIL home.

So my dream job I chased for months that I loved decided to fire me today. The reason attendance. I missed 4 days last week cause I had a confirmed flu test and doctors note. My state is an at will state. So basically I got fired today for not coming to work and spreading the flu to everyone at the office. I have a 2 year old and just took out a loan to fix a bathroom in my aging FIL home.

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