
We’re just going to pretend we’re not sick

So one of the upper managers is clearly sick. The normal runny nose and cough. To me it seems highly likely she might have covid, I've heard it's going around still. A coworker asked her if she was feeling a little sick and she responds “we're just going to ignore it.” She's young and I've witnessed her sick before (probably covid then too everyone else was sick) she has mostly mild symptoms. All well and good right? The trouble is that anyone else would be sent home for days, probably without paid or maybe they'd be forced to use any PTO they have. This Manager can is salaried and can actually fully work from home with her laptop. She simply chooses to come to work so she can infect everyone else. I told all the other girls that this manager was sick and so we did our best to masks…

So one of the upper managers is clearly sick. The normal runny nose and cough. To me it seems highly likely she might have covid, I've heard it's going around still. A coworker asked her if she was feeling a little sick and she responds “we're just going to ignore it.” She's young and I've witnessed her sick before (probably covid then too everyone else was sick) she has mostly mild symptoms.

All well and good right? The trouble is that anyone else would be sent home for days, probably without paid or maybe they'd be forced to use any PTO they have. This Manager can is salaried and can actually fully work from home with her laptop. She simply chooses to come to work so she can infect everyone else. I told all the other girls that this manager was sick and so we did our best to masks up and disinfect everything. We have families and such. This same manager has brought her sick kid to work with her, by sick I mean covid positive. No one else would be allowed to bring their kids to work. One of my coworkers was out sick with covid then had to stay home an additional 2 days to care for her kid who also had covid. They wrote her up for excessive absences. It's unbelievably to me the audacity. I am about to do the big walk out next week hopefully if things go well. I am going to tell them the good news and just walk out, no two weeks.

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