
Question regarding employment backlash

I do not want to give away too much of my situation, but I do need to get it off my shoulders I transferred stores, so this is actually at my old store. At my old store I was a maintenance person as well as their opener. I had bad experiences with opening since when I would walk into the freezer to grab opening food, I would usually find the mess the closers would leave. This also included what I thought to be cross contamination. Skip to me moving and now I work for the same company at a different location, and since a manager got the attention of the owner as well as supervisor and is doing interviews with her to find out why she wants to move to said store. I decided to throw my weight in and sent her the pictures of my evidence of cross contamination…

I do not want to give away too much of my situation, but I do need to get it off my shoulders

I transferred stores, so this is actually at my old store.

At my old store I was a maintenance person as well as their opener. I had bad experiences with opening since when I would walk into the freezer to grab opening food, I would usually find the mess the closers would leave. This also included what I thought to be cross contamination.

Skip to me moving and now I work for the same company at a different location, and since a manager got the attention of the owner as well as supervisor and is doing interviews with her to find out why she wants to move to said store. I decided to throw my weight in and sent her the pictures of my evidence of cross contamination and told her to keep me anonymous, unless they need to talk to me.

So question is can my new store retaliate against me since I am now airing my grievances to said manager?

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