
My old job

I quit my job last September, and I’m at a job I’m much happier at now, but I think it’s kind of a funny story. I was a receptionist at a therapy office. When I worked there I was 19-20 and the other office staff were 35+, so I was the youngest by far. In the 9 months I worked there we had 3 managers. The one who I started with was allegedly great but “gave up” during covid. Eventually the owner formed a story that she stole up to $80,000. I don’t know if this is true or not but it’s good context for the rest of the story. The second and third manager I had to train, as an assistant, and fill in the manager role in the times without a manager. The second one has a lot of office mgmt experience, so she was fairly easy to…

I quit my job last September, and I’m at a job I’m much happier at now, but I think it’s kind of a funny story.
I was a receptionist at a therapy office. When I worked there I was 19-20 and the other office staff were 35+, so I was the youngest by far. In the 9 months I worked there we had 3 managers. The one who I started with was allegedly great but “gave up” during covid. Eventually the owner formed a story that she stole up to $80,000. I don’t know if this is true or not but it’s good context for the rest of the story. The second and third manager I had to train, as an assistant, and fill in the manager role in the times without a manager. The second one has a lot of office mgmt experience, so she was fairly easy to train, but there were still several things she could not figure out.
At some point with this manager, we got news that we were being audited by Medicaid because neither her nor the previous manager had been billing it correctly at all. They wouldn’t let me touch Medicaid up until this point. After this point, they decided that I should start helping with Medicaid billing (1/3 of client base). This turned into me doing all of it because that manager would go on week long benders once a month. Keep in mind I was a part time employee and full time college student, so this was pretty stressful.
After I dug the business out of the Medicaid hole, that manager was fired, and I once again had to take over that role until we got a new manager. I was approached to be manager but I could not do full time.
My experience up until this point had been fairly good, but then the boss hired a new manager, let’s call her Angela. After I trained Angela, she finally started to take on managerial duties. But then she started making her lists. The lists were eventually the reason I quit. She made a collection of between 5-10 lists that had to be added to daily, no matter what. They were lists to keep track of billing, keep track of what we were working on, etc. One day I was working alone for most of the day, Angela and the other assistant had called out sick, so the work for that day fell on me. I was working hard the entire day and ran out of time to do the lists. I left her a message that I would fill them out the next day. The next day, I walk in, and Angela and the boss ask me to go to the boss’ office. They wrote up a verbal warning for not filling out the lists. This pissed me off, but I brushed it off and tried harder to fill out the lists.
A week or two later I was working alone again, and was working with someone from another department on a project, on top of the regular tasks. She left me a list of things to get done that was almost incoherent (Angela was not very smart at all, did not use spelling/or grammar well, also just dumb in general). Still, I completed them to the best of my knowledge. By the end of the day, I was only able to complete two of the lists, and again left her a note apologizing and explaining.
The next day I come into work, and again they call me into the boss office. This time it’s a written warning, again about the lists. But they’ve also added that I dress inappropriately. I had been wearing essentially the same outfit the entire time I worked, a not too short dress that had sleeves, usually with sneakers. It’s pretty casual, but I was actually more dressed up than the others who worked there. The whole time I had worked there everyone complemented my outfits almost daily, they even gave me a gift card to buy more dresses for my birthday. So the only person I can see having a problem with this is Angela.
Anyways, at the end of this meeting they told me that I wouldn’t be able to work for the rest of the week, and to “think about if this job is really for me”. I had already had one of those days off for a vacation. Finally, on the way back from that vacation I decided to quit by email, which was such a huge relief for me.
After that, they changed the password to my email, which they asked me to make on gmail, so I still had claim to it. So I just went back in and changed the password again.
They sent me texts and emails requesting information from me, which I didn’t give.
I got a text/call from all the therapists saying that it was their loss, etc. (no one liked Angela)
Finally, I got a (again, nearly incoherent) text in the middle of the night from Angela just saying nasty things and saying how terrible I am. I emailed that to the boss and blocked her.

A few months later, the boss emailed me apologizing for how “things ended”. An employee I had kept in touch with also quit after working there for years, and I met up with an office assistant who worked after me who was pushed out in a similar fashion, except with much more racism involved.

I know that was super long winded, but I felt the need to get my whole story out haha. This job paid $13 an hour, and now I get $15 at a job I actually like, so I think I won in the end.

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