
my most heinous employer

This started as a comment. It got overlong. Here's the story: Was fired from a whopping $14 an hour warehouse job last year because someone thought good risk management was saddling grunts and peons with thousands of dollars of responsibility and zero idiot proofing. Long story short: went through a divorce, worked suffered (sent several packages Ground instead of One Day, sent some with incorrect addresses). This was due in part to the shit UPS software that autopopulated with incorrect addresses. New software that was supposed to pull shipping info directly from Aftermarket Sales was delayed. We were double and triple checking every single One Day order. Somehow things still got messed up. Company policy was to comp 1 day shipping, ship new product and comp cost of return once ground shipped package arrived. This turned one wrong click into an obscenely expensive faux pas. Good thing my wage reflected…

This started as a comment. It got overlong. Here's the story:
Was fired from a whopping $14 an hour warehouse job last year because someone thought good risk management was saddling grunts and peons with thousands of dollars of responsibility and zero idiot proofing. Long story short: went through a divorce, worked suffered (sent several packages Ground instead of One Day, sent some with incorrect addresses). This was due in part to the shit UPS software that autopopulated with incorrect addresses. New software that was supposed to pull shipping info directly from Aftermarket Sales was delayed. We were double and triple checking every single One Day order. Somehow things still got messed up. Company policy was to comp 1 day shipping, ship new product and comp cost of return once ground shipped package arrived. This turned one wrong click into an obscenely expensive faux pas. Good thing my wage reflected my level of responsibility.
They canned me.
According to contacts on the inside, it turned into an absolute train wreck after I was fired. Suddenly had to find and train new help in pandemic caused rush (over 200 packages a day with 1.5 people on average working the log). Team lead was fired because he couldn't contain his hatred of women (He was a zero solidarity Company Man. Good riddance.) The woman who reported his horseshit left for a better job. And then our manager quit. He was 40 and had worked there since age 18.
Last I heard my bosses' boss was trying to manage the warehouse with two mostly experienced people and struggling new hires and they were still getting slammed with orders. This made me giddy.
Side note: They also used covid as an excuse to refuse us our Christmas bonus. Our CEO came down a couple weeks after with “good news.” This good news was that they had spent the money they totally didn't have to acquire a new company.
I have had more than friend suggest that the supposed proof of my fuck ups was doctored and the firing was motivated by word getting out about my involvement in DSA and the IWW. Even if this is not the case…uh…woof.

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