
Old manager comes in berating the whole department

Used to be a technician at a warehouse, and we used to have a rather eccentric manager. The kind who would chew you out for sitting down when you'd finished eating but were still on your lunch break. The guy was a manager for three-four years something, with a turnover rate over 60% on this small department (then 7 people), for this very reason. Since he was “moved” a couple years ago, 1 or 2 people have quit in total. Before he was appointed manager, the same 7 people had been running the shop for some 15 years. This guy comes in during our daily meeting, asks who the acting manager is since the regular current manager is on vacation. Gets a vague answer since no one really is in charge, we don't need a boss to take care of the department for three of the year's slowest weeks. Then,…

Used to be a technician at a warehouse, and we used to have a rather eccentric manager. The kind who would chew you out for sitting down when you'd finished eating but were still on your lunch break. The guy was a manager for three-four years something, with a turnover rate over 60% on this small department (then 7 people), for this very reason. Since he was “moved” a couple years ago, 1 or 2 people have quit in total. Before he was appointed manager, the same 7 people had been running the shop for some 15 years.

This guy comes in during our daily meeting, asks who the acting manager is since the regular current manager is on vacation. Gets a vague answer since no one really is in charge, we don't need a boss to take care of the department for three of the year's slowest weeks. Then, the guy starts chewing us out for not being enough on our toes, or something, to be honest I kinda zoned out. There was something in production he wasn't happy about, he spoke about picking times for our wares and whatnot. Nothing concrete, nothing that pertained to our department, really.

Normally, I wouldn't have reacted much, but being away from this place for studies, I realized after he left that I got angry. This guy waltzes in, and proceeds to act like he's still a manager. He knows he got moved from the technical department because people quit over his attitude, and he hasn't changed for shit. And now he comes in, completely undermining the new manager's authority. And for what, because he “feels like” we aren't enough “on our toes”? He didn't even have any data, because we don't really track standstill times in production.

Had I been the manager over this department, I'd have been livid over someone coming in to treat my personnel that way. I really hope I'll be able to make manager one day, so I can keep guys like him off honest worker's asses.

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