
Ex Boss tried to poach worker then rejected them later

At an old retail job of mine. An old friend from school who was employed at the main competitor of the place I worked at came into the store. It turned out the we had received some of their stock by mistake by the courier and he had been sent over to come and get their stock. No problem, their stock, they’d paid for it. However the franchisee of the business pulled me aside and asked how I knew him. Once I explained, he told me to reach out to him after work and see if he’d like to leave that job and come work with us. I didn’t like the idea of ‘poaching’ someone but I did as I was asked. When I asked him, he was appreciative of the offer but turned it down. As he was happy where he was at the time. No worries I thought.…

At an old retail job of mine. An old friend from school who was employed at the main competitor of the place I worked at came into the store. It turned out the we had received some of their stock by mistake by the courier and he had been sent over to come and get their stock. No problem, their stock, they’d paid for it.

However the franchisee of the business pulled me aside and asked how I knew him. Once I explained, he told me to reach out to him after work and see if he’d like to leave that job and come work with us. I didn’t like the idea of ‘poaching’ someone but I did as I was asked.

When I asked him, he was appreciative of the offer but turned it down. As he was happy where he was at the time. No worries I thought. I told the franchisee what his answer was the next day.

About 6 or so months passed, and my friend came into the store with his résumé. Said to me that he was looking for a new job as where he was, he’d started struggling due to low wage.

I directed him to the franchisee, who took his résumé. Right after my friend left, the boss immediately ripped up, then scrunched up his résumé and threw it in the bin. He then said to me.
“I’d already gave him an opportunity and he turned it down. He said he was happy there, so he can stay there.”

What a jerk.

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