
This sickening work culture killed my aunt, then punished both me and my family for it further

Hey folks. I’ve been holding onto this for a while, but I figure this is the place to tell it. I initially wrote a HUGE story of what happened to my Aunt, but I shortened just to the fallout. I’ll post the rest if people want to read more, but this gets to the point quicker. When my Aunt Linda first got seriously sick, if we had gone to the newer hospital, the one she ASKED to be taken to, odds are she’d have gotten better urgent care, but Christ forbid, insurances wouldn’t have it! The hospital she was taken to by the EMTs to is notorious for a bloated board of directors, which means they skipped out on hiring enough staff to cover the patients they had. That became pretty apparent when I watched my Aunt squirm and die for 8 hours from a rare blood disease, and they…

Hey folks. I’ve been holding onto this for a while, but I figure this is the place to tell it. I initially wrote a HUGE story of what happened to my Aunt, but I shortened just to the fallout. I’ll post the rest if people want to read more, but this gets to the point quicker.

When my Aunt Linda first got seriously sick, if we had gone to the newer hospital, the one she ASKED to be taken to, odds are she’d have gotten better urgent care, but Christ forbid, insurances wouldn’t have it! The hospital she was taken to by the EMTs to is notorious for a bloated board of directors, which means they skipped out on hiring enough staff to cover the patients they had. That became pretty apparent when I watched my Aunt squirm and die for 8 hours from a rare blood disease, and they did NOTHING. No amount of begging moved any of them. This is For-Profit healthcare, my friends. You’re a goddamn number, and barely at that. Her death was used against me at work, too. When I got the news she coded, I was at work and a blubbering mess, so I barely got out what happened to my boss. They let me go, but wrote me up for missing the next day, because my Aunt’s death didn’t qualify me for more than 1 day of bereavement. I was literally planning the funeral with my cousin, but I guess fuck me, right?

Last kicker though…the literal same day she died, my Aunt Linda’s coworkers showed up at the house. They brought donuts and condolences, but we quickly figured out their obvious aims. They started talking to my cousin, then their conversation oh-so-innocently turned to “Oh hey, did your mom leave her client list here? Where’s her home office? Do you have her phone with you?” I didn’t catch all that at first, but I walked in the office and heard them, AND I SHIT YOU NOT, ask my cousin, ”Do you know your mom’s email password? No? Maybe try to guess? Could it be you or your dad’s birthday?” I saw red…I was trembling at this point, and told them “Take your fucking donuts, and get the fuck out of here.” Goddamn vultures…Then they just said “well, we can see people are pretty emotional, so we should get going.” Meanwhile, I’m glaring and pointing at the door. Yeah, no shit you’re leaving.

Remember, EVERYONE. Your job isn’t your life. It’s your JOB. Keep it there, don’t kill yourself for people who piss on your grave before your body even goes cold. No one ever wishes they spent more time at work or earned more money. The majority wish they spent more time with their family, or friends…or goddamn doing something they ENJOYED in life.

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