
Leadership wants me gone? Fine, I’ll go.

TLDR at bottom. On mobile, pardon formatting. I moved 1,700 miles to take a job on the west coast about 18 months ago. I had limited experience in part of the role, but was promised training once I got on site. Spoiler: the training was never given and I was told to figure it out or I'd get bad papers. So I put my head down, figured out what I needed to figure out, and got my feet under me. The whole time Leaders have made comments about my work not meeting expectations, or taking too long, or having a “lack of faith in [my] abilities, etc. It was made very clear to me that I was not wanted, but they couldn't fire me due to my tenure and not doing anything wrong. Last month my team and another team were merged, which was going to increase our workload, but…

TLDR at bottom. On mobile, pardon formatting.

I moved 1,700 miles to take a job on the west coast about 18 months ago. I had limited experience in part of the role, but was promised training once I got on site. Spoiler: the training was never given and I was told to figure it out or I'd get bad papers. So I put my head down, figured out what I needed to figure out, and got my feet under me. The whole time Leaders have made comments about my work not meeting expectations, or taking too long, or having a “lack of faith in [my] abilities, etc. It was made very clear to me that I was not wanted, but they couldn't fire me due to my tenure and not doing anything wrong.

Last month my team and another team were merged, which was going to increase our workload, but also triple our number of team members. Leadership then decided that only the workload would be merged and the other team members would go to other teams that “needed more support.” My workload, which was already heavy, quadrupled. I objected heavily. I brought up the fact that most of work being handed to me was missing vital documentation to properly admin and was told it would be fixed by the previous team. I was also promised a good handoff with status updates before I would be responsible for the projects going forward.

2 weeks ago I was asked for status on these new projects and I told Leadership that they hadn't been cleaned up nor had I received a handoff, so they weren't mine yet. My Lead and Supervisor had a fucking kitten. Told me that those projects were mine since last month and it was MY responsibility to correct all the issues and figure out the statuses. They also told me that I only had until the end of the month (@2 weeks) to get everything in order. I let them both know that 1. I had already objected previously when we were told about the merge and had said I wouldn't accept the projects until they were fixed by the previous team, and 2. We could include HR and the union in the conversation if they wanted to try to hold me accountable for work that didn't get done by other teams.

The conversation was dropped, but then both my team and the other team members were giving me the cold shoulder and making comments about people not pulling their weight (lol, right?). So I dusted off my resume and put it on a couple of internal announcements. I got a hit several days later and, after a really great conversation with the hiring manager, a firm offer. Now Leadership is asking what they can do to keep me, after 2 years of bullshit to get me to quit and making sure I knew that I wasn't wanted and didn't belong.

So now I'm just waiting on my transfer date, which I'm sure Leadership is going to push back as far as HR will allow. Bonus: those projects are going to sit on my desk until I leave. Because fuck them.

TLDR: Leadership want me to leave, then surprise Pikachu faces when I take a new job. Haha.

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