
My Boss Should be the Standard

I work for an indie restaurant (I'm a prep cook) and my boss is the owner of said restaurant while also being the head chef. And honestly? He's a good boss who actually treats us all really well. He's super patient and understanding! This realization came to me when I was getting ready to leave work today and my Dr. called me. My boss stopped talking and listened in on what I was saying. When I said “the only day I can get an appointment is X day? Okay, uhh…” He immediately said that he could give me the day off even though the schedule had already been posted. I was still on the phone and he just did that, no questions asked. I'd say that he's the golden boss of sorts! The thing is, everything that he does is stuff that every boss should do. I regularly shit-talk my…

I work for an indie restaurant (I'm a prep cook) and my boss is the owner of said restaurant while also being the head chef. And honestly? He's a good boss who actually treats us all really well. He's super patient and understanding! This realization came to me when I was getting ready to leave work today and my Dr. called me. My boss stopped talking and listened in on what I was saying. When I said “the only day I can get an appointment is X day? Okay, uhh…” He immediately said that he could give me the day off even though the schedule had already been posted. I was still on the phone and he just did that, no questions asked. I'd say that he's the golden boss of sorts! The thing is, everything that he does is stuff that every boss should do.

I regularly shit-talk my old bosses and he occasionally eavesdrops in order to make sure he's doing a better job than them. Here's a list of things he does that my old bosses fucked up: He lets us decide when we want our breaks on our own, he never makes anyone do any work that he wouldn't do, he lets us get a drink and use the washroom without having to ask first, during a heatwave he rotated letting people just stand around in the cooler because the building doesn't have AC, he gives us vacations and time off whenever we want, he encourages us to stay hydrated so much that he actually makes this lemon water stuff that almost (I dislike anything lemon related – not his fault) everyone loves, he takes people's medical concerns into account, he keeps the mood of the place upbeat by making regular jokes that are actually legit funny, he talks about his hobbies while working and asks us about ours, he's honest about how good/bad the place is doing and what he's going to do about it, when he notices that the overall energy of the place is low he'll run to the store and get everyone energy drinks in each person's respective favourite flavour, and when someone quits on good terms he's not afraid to get a little emotional and give them a hug goodbye… that last one actually happened recently.

These things seem like things that any decent boss should do, but I think that the majority of the people on this subreddit have never had a boss this good. My boss is considered to be an absolute gem, but I think that every boss should be like this. If they were, then maybe we wouldn't hate working so much. I mean, I actually enjoy my job for what it is and that's a god damn rarity in this society!

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