
Got fired before my deadline for a project. Guess you won’t need that project then ;)

I recently put in my two weeks at my job to work from home. When I started there everything clerical and administrative was done via paper and filing system. My work operates two buildings next to each other and it doesn’t make sense to only rely on one paper copy of everything between two buildings. When I took over staff scheduling I realized it would be so much easier to create my schedule on a spreadsheet using a familiar platform that automatically saves, and can be accessed anywhere and shared with staff. This went smoothly for months. The schedules get posted the 25th each month. I’ve been working on August for weeks now since we are open 24/7 and have two buildings it’s a lot of staff to schedule. My boss texted me Friday stating they accepted my resignation effective immediately and then I was notified via email the password…

I recently put in my two weeks at my job to work from home. When I started there everything clerical and administrative was done via paper and filing system. My work operates two buildings next to each other and it doesn’t make sense to only rely on one paper copy of everything between two buildings.

When I took over staff scheduling I realized it would be so much easier to create my schedule on a spreadsheet using a familiar platform that automatically saves, and can be accessed anywhere and shared with staff. This went smoothly for months. The schedules get posted the 25th each month. I’ve been working on August for weeks now since we are open 24/7 and have two buildings it’s a lot of staff to schedule.

My boss texted me Friday stating they accepted my resignation effective immediately and then I was notified via email the password to my schedule making account was changed and then the recovery email was changed. This dumbass really fired me via text, and booted me from accessing my work which was conveniently already done.

Well I’m petty 🙂 I reported the account as hacked, she didn’t even change the recovery phone number from mine which made it easy to get back in. I deleted the spreadsheets, emptied the trash, and deleted the account. When i was hired I proposed this whole idea and I’ve facilitated it entirely. I wasn’t going to let someone throw me out when they think they’re done and keep my work. She will have fun starting a new schedule today considering it’s due and she has nothing to refer to and have to try to find everyone’s time off requests using their handy filing system. I’ll see you in hell as I’m sure this just secured my ticket.

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