
Hiring freeze??

My department is down at lease two people (we only have three) and I’m the only one on second shift. So on my days off there is no second shift. The department next to me is already understaffed but they’re promoting one of the associates (because management is dumb and they love ass kissers) so they will have one person on first and one person on second so the manager is going to have to cover both of their off days. So he will be switching from first to second, to mid to second to first until they hire someone. Positions in my department have been open for months. Somehow we are on a hiring freeze. My manager is always late or calling out and hard to find when she’s here. I left early yesterday because of the stress. Not sure if they will be able to keep the over…

My department is down at lease two people (we only have three) and I’m the only one on second shift. So on my days off there is no second shift. The department next to me is already understaffed but they’re promoting one of the associates (because management is dumb and they love ass kissers) so they will have one person on first and one person on second so the manager is going to have to cover both of their off days. So he will be switching from first to second, to mid to second to first until they hire someone. Positions in my department have been open for months. Somehow we are on a hiring freeze. My manager is always late or calling out and hard to find when she’s here. I left early yesterday because of the stress. Not sure if they will be able to keep the over worked staff for long.

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