
Conflicting values

On one hand, I work for the most evil employer out there : my local government. They pay like shit, are blatantly corrupted and steal from the citizen through unfair taxation of the working class while giving free pass ro the rich like the hypocrites they are. As such, there is nothing I would like more than become a nuisance for them, steal time and whatnot. On the other hand, my boss is by far the best director I've ever worked for. She promoted twice within 2 years, always have my back even when upper management is pissed, hire new people everytime I tell her we need help, and provide me with everything I ask for (better computer, new software, last minute vacation days, etc). As such, I feel its only fair I help out when she's stuck with thight deadlines and I'll often find myself going the extra mile,…

On one hand, I work for the most evil employer out there : my local government. They pay like shit, are blatantly corrupted and steal from the citizen through unfair taxation of the working class while giving free pass ro the rich like the hypocrites they are. As such, there is nothing I would like more than become a nuisance for them, steal time and whatnot.

On the other hand, my boss is by far the best director I've ever worked for. She promoted twice within 2 years, always have my back even when upper management is pissed, hire new people everytime I tell her we need help, and provide me with everything I ask for (better computer, new software, last minute vacation days, etc). As such, I feel its only fair I help out when she's stuck with thight deadlines and I'll often find myself going the extra mile, which include unpaid overtime outside of work hours.

Im having a hard time finding a balance between these conflicting visions. If I keep giving my 100%, Im literaly part of the problem, because Im helping this evil machine to the best of my capabilites. But if I dont, my boss will take the hit even though she's been nothing but helpfull, and I run the risk of her being replaced by someone with a more dictatorial micro-managing approach. Thoughts?

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