
How do so many people (namely Americans) convince themselves that working 40+hrs/week for 3/4 of their life is normal?

It makes me so sad that millions of years of evolution have led to this. We are about as evolved as ants, except ants actually help each other achieve common goals. We are the most intelligent species that has ever walked the earth and this is the fate we’ve created for ourselves, and if you see any sort of issue with it you’re shunned for being lazy and entitled. It is literally bat shit insane. It’s not natural. We were never meant to stand stationary for 8 hours behind a counter at Starbucks, or at an Amazon warehouse. We’re supposed to be hunting, foraging, growing our own food, nurturing social bonds, taking care of each other, making art. I just can’t believe capitalism has made up all these fake systems, like paper money, the stock market, inflation, minimum wage, health insurance, etc. and everyone just accepts it!! And never thinks…

It makes me so sad that millions of years of evolution have led to this. We are about as evolved as ants, except ants actually help each other achieve common goals. We are the most intelligent species that has ever walked the earth and this is the fate we’ve created for ourselves, and if you see any sort of issue with it you’re shunned for being lazy and entitled. It is literally bat shit insane. It’s not natural.

We were never meant to stand stationary for 8 hours behind a counter at Starbucks, or at an Amazon warehouse. We’re supposed to be hunting, foraging, growing our own food, nurturing social bonds, taking care of each other, making art. I just can’t believe capitalism has made up all these fake systems, like paper money, the stock market, inflation, minimum wage, health insurance, etc. and everyone just accepts it!! And never thinks gee, maybe I’m unhappy at work because my brain was never meant to comprehend any of this. We’re not even animals or natural creatures anymore, we are robots. And we are so fucking brainwashed that almost every person on earth thinks this is normal.

Its not normal to value excess wealth and material possessions above all else!! Its not normal for our individuality to revolve around the clothes we wear, the car we drive, the house we own, etc. Our whole existences have been reduced to work and profit. There are people who will work their whole lives to amass wealth and sparkly things, who will never learn everything they can about something they’re passionate about, or teach themselves a valuable trade, or create art that feels fulfilling, or experience an intimate relationship. It makes me fucking sick that we are such beautiful complex beings and this is our lot in life. Our time on earth is a fucking waste under the crushing weight of capitalism.

Sorry, just had to vent. I don’t even hate my job anymore, but I really can’t play this stupid game much longer.

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