
life’s tragedy

I’m a computer science undergrad who is about to enter the final year. Job fares are happening at my college and I have to make a choice between either working in India or moving to Germany for masters. I just realised life’s tragedy. Ever since I was a kid, I had a dream of travelling the world. I wanted to explore new cultures and places. I dreamed of doing cool stuffs every single day. I wanted to have a lot of leisure time where I would read books and enjoy the magnificence of nature. My dream is now shattered. I just realised that if I were to work for some company, then I would have just 2-3 weeks of leaves that I could take in one whole year. If I were to move to Germany for masters degree then I would have to study for another two years. Which I…

I’m a computer science undergrad who is about to enter the final year. Job fares are happening at my college and I have to make a choice between either working in India or moving to Germany for masters. I just realised life’s tragedy.

Ever since I was a kid, I had a dream of travelling the world. I wanted to explore new cultures and places. I dreamed of doing cool stuffs every single day. I wanted to have a lot of leisure time where I would read books and enjoy the magnificence of nature.
My dream is now shattered.

I just realised that if I were to work for some company, then I would have just 2-3 weeks of leaves that I could take in one whole year.

If I were to move to Germany for masters degree then I would have to study for another two years.
Which I personally don’t want to,because I have no energy left for studying anymore. And even if I did study and succeed in finding a job in Germany. I could still take only 4-5 weeks of leaves in one whole year.

My Job would be sitting at a desk and staring at a computer screen 9 to 5.
I am already sick and tired of monotonous life.

My life’s every single aspiration and dream has been beaten out of me.

So basically, either way I would be a “21st century” slave of some company for the rest of my life. I would be spending most of my limited time on earth working to bring profits to a company that couldn’t care less about my existence. I won’t have any leisure time to explore the world nor for respite.

Born. Work. Die.

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