
What are your craziest experiences at work?

I am sure we all have them Used to have a manager that HAD to be briefed on everything we worked on. This manager would have us come over to explain it to them so they could be aware. One night I catch a huge problem impacting lots of customers and I am on point to run the problem to resolution AND send communication AND handle traffic to minimize impact when possible. Needles to say my hands were full. Since I had so much happening instead of getting up and going to the manager to explain what was going on, I sent a text message with the whole thing laid out. A little later I am trying to do 5 things at one time when the manager comes up and tells me to put my very active triage call on hold. I tell the manager this was a major problem…

I am sure we all have them

Used to have a manager that HAD to be briefed on everything we worked on. This manager would have us come over to explain it to them so they could be aware. One night I catch a huge problem impacting lots of customers and I am on point to run the problem to resolution AND send communication AND handle traffic to minimize impact when possible.

Needles to say my hands were full. Since I had so much happening instead of getting up and going to the manager to explain what was going on, I sent a text message with the whole thing laid out. A little later I am trying to do 5 things at one time when the manager comes up and tells me to put my very active triage call on hold. I tell the manager this was a major problem I was in the middle of at that second. But the manager would not relent so I put the call on hold and ask what is the problem? The manager told me I needed to explain what I was working on. I responded that I had sent a write up of the whole thing via our group txt message and asked if the manager got it or not. The manager responded

“I am paid to lead, not read”

To this day I don't know where I got the will not to add “don't you mean not able to, instead of not?”

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