
I Can’t Do It Anymore. I Cannot Justify Getting Treated Like Shit Again.

I'm so goddam tired of being on this hamster wheel. I stood up for myself last week and called out my manager's shitty emotional manipulation techniques for what they were. I wasn't surprised that I got laid off shortly after. So now I'm looking at other jobs and had a couple interviews so far, but in the back of my head I just feel like I'm getting fucked over. Spending an hour of my life that I'll never get back to make just enough money to keep a roof over my head so that the person above me can take home more money each month than what I'll see in an entire year. I hate it so much, yet I have to grin and smile and become this toxic people-pleasing version of myself just so my family doesn't starve. What have you done to kind of standup for yourself at…

I'm so goddam tired of being on this hamster wheel. I stood up for myself last week and called out my manager's shitty emotional manipulation techniques for what they were. I wasn't surprised that I got laid off shortly after.

So now I'm looking at other jobs and had a couple interviews so far, but in the back of my head I just feel like I'm getting fucked over. Spending an hour of my life that I'll never get back to make just enough money to keep a roof over my head so that the person above me can take home more money each month than what I'll see in an entire year. I hate it so much, yet I have to grin and smile and become this toxic people-pleasing version of myself just so my family doesn't starve.

What have you done to kind of standup for yourself at companies? Generally, are some companies better at respecting boundaries and focus more on helping you out instead of shaming you when you're overworked, overwhelmed and at wit's end?

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