
Restaurant Workers & Taking Food Home

I’ve seen a lot of people make comments or jokes about swiping food in the restaurant business especially at a place that doesn’t feed the BOH (&/or FOH) on this subreddit. Has anyone ever been caught & what happened if confronted? I’ve seen a lot of people in these times hopping jobs and we’ve all seen these social media posts with whole restaurants closing cause of no workers or limiting their hours. So you think these actions are reflective of those issues?

I’ve seen a lot of people make comments or jokes about swiping food in the restaurant business especially at a place that doesn’t feed the BOH (&/or FOH) on this subreddit.

Has anyone ever been caught & what happened if confronted? I’ve seen a lot of people in these times hopping jobs and we’ve all seen these social media posts with whole restaurants closing cause of no workers or limiting their hours. So you think these actions are reflective of those issues?

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