
Should I feel bad about faking sick to have a mental health day today?

I faked sick today to avoid working my shift at my job I have now that I actually like and pays well. I didn't really have a solid reason for myself other than I felt like I wanted a mental health day. Didn't have any issues with work as my boss is very nice and understanding, just said I had a fever and she said it was ok if I didn't come in. I've been feeling depressed and lost lately, idk why. So I've taken today to enjoy with my wife and kid and just be stoned and zone out. I feel kinda shitty about it, but after reading posts from this sub for some time I feel like I shouldn't be.

I faked sick today to avoid working my shift at my job I have now that I actually like and pays well. I didn't really have a solid reason for myself other than I felt like I wanted a mental health day. Didn't have any issues with work as my boss is very nice and understanding, just said I had a fever and she said it was ok if I didn't come in. I've been feeling depressed and lost lately, idk why. So I've taken today to enjoy with my wife and kid and just be stoned and zone out. I feel kinda shitty about it, but after reading posts from this sub for some time I feel like I shouldn't be.

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