
Work wants me in 15 mins before I start (unpaid)(UK)

So I've just started a new retail job, only been there for 2 months, work part time and I actually do love it there, it's quite easy and chill. Nice customers, get on really well with all the staff. However it's inspection week so someone from head office, we'll call them C is there and said to me snappily yesterday you and everyone else need to be in 15 mins before you start your shift! (I get there on time every day, I don't work for free). I honestly thought she was joking at first and said haha do we get to leave 15 mins early then but she was dead serious. She was like I want you all in 15 mins before you start to organise stock and make sure the stock is ready. I said OK no problem I'm presuming we get paid for the extra 15 mins?…

So I've just started a new retail job, only been there for 2 months, work part time and I actually do love it there, it's quite easy and chill. Nice customers, get on really well with all the staff. However it's inspection week so someone from head office, we'll call them C is there and said to me snappily yesterday you and everyone else need to be in 15 mins before you start your shift! (I get there on time every day, I don't work for free). I honestly thought she was joking at first and said haha do we get to leave 15 mins early then but she was dead serious. She was like I want you all in 15 mins before you start to organise stock and make sure the stock is ready. I said OK no problem I'm presuming we get paid for the extra 15 mins? She said no you don't it's just professionalism for you to be in early. Surely this can't be legal? If she's forcing us to work an extra 15 mins a day it soon adds up. My bus runs on a schedule so does she think I'm gonna wake up and get the bus am hour early just to make sure I'm in work for an unpaid 15 mins early? I've triple checked my contract and there's nothing in there about it. I even called HR and they're saying we'll if that's what she says you have to do it? WTH?

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