
Can’t stop job hopping

I’m like 23 And at my 4th I think? Job since graduating. Kind of had no idea what I wanted to do postgrad and been trying to figure it out & hating everything. Starting to think something is wrong w me. I can’t do the corporate America thing but no clue how else to make money. Too much of a coward to ditch my current route. Everyday I gaslight myself into thinking my life and work is meaningful even though I’m miserable. Like ok job hopping is really frowned upon allegedly. But should I really be sulking my best years away inside somewhere I hate for 1-2 years just so I look “employable” on paper? I don’t know. I work in some bs email job. But it’s actually a lot of work lol I work long hours w really average to below market pay. I’m not passionate about “marketing”. Wah…

I’m like 23 And at my 4th I think? Job since graduating. Kind of had no idea what I wanted to do postgrad and been trying to figure it out & hating everything. Starting to think something is wrong w me. I can’t do the corporate America thing but no clue how else to make money. Too much of a coward to ditch my current route. Everyday I gaslight myself into thinking my life and work is meaningful even though I’m miserable.

Like ok job hopping is really frowned upon allegedly. But should I really be sulking my best years away inside somewhere I hate for 1-2 years just so I look “employable” on paper? I don’t know.

I work in some bs email job. But it’s actually a lot of work lol I work long hours w really average to below market pay. I’m not passionate about “marketing”. Wah wah wah it’s all so bleak. The rationale that I should be grateful n I have it good is not really cutting it for me anymore so here I am complaining. What would you do. If I quit 6 months in AGAIN, I’m afraid of how everyone around me will perceive me. Like I can’t commit to anything and I’m lost.

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