
Need some advice: my states law says that employees must be compensated for being on-call. I have never been paid once for days I’m on call.

I work for a large network of doctors in multiple clinics. The assistants/receptionists are all managed as one group, so I’m sent all over. At least once a week, on the schedule I’m labeled as “on-call” which means I have to wait to see if they need me for half the day, which almost never happens. I cant used this time to do errands or anything because I need to be ready if I’m called in. At first it was fine, but it’s getting frustrating having one day a week where I’m not paid and I can’t do anything until the days half over. I live in Arizona, in which being ok call is considered compensable duty. I don’t want to be “that guy” and get into whole legal issues at work, which might jeopardize my job, but who would I report this to? I’m currently looking for a new…

I work for a large network of doctors in multiple clinics. The assistants/receptionists are all managed as one group, so I’m sent all over. At least once a week, on the schedule I’m labeled as “on-call” which means I have to wait to see if they need me for half the day, which almost never happens. I cant used this time to do errands or anything because I need to be ready if I’m called in. At first it was fine, but it’s getting frustrating having one day a week where I’m not paid and I can’t do anything until the days half over. I live in Arizona, in which being ok call is considered compensable duty.

I don’t want to be “that guy” and get into whole legal issues at work, which might jeopardize my job, but who would I report this to? I’m currently looking for a new job but I’m still sick of being screwed over. Is my employer breaking the law? I don’t really know what I should do

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