
Looking for a legitimate list of boss ‘power moves’.

Off the back of another post I was curious to see some of the sources of workplace 'power moves' for those that are in some position of power. All I could find was obvious parodies, but I've been on the recieving end of these kind of moves before; The two-on-one, questioning of something you're doing that is actually your job and is fully clear what you're doing, the shit sandwich, making you wait like a dog etc. I want to see the kind of thing where they getting this silliness from and identify some of the more obscure 'power moves' so I'm fully prepared to trip them up and make them feel utterly paranoid and turn them into a 'power failure'. Any sites? Any books (I'll steal PDFs of those).

Off the back of another post I was curious to see some of the sources of workplace 'power moves' for those that are in some position of power.

All I could find was obvious parodies, but I've been on the recieving end of these kind of moves before; The two-on-one, questioning of something you're doing that is actually your job and is fully clear what you're doing, the shit sandwich, making you wait like a dog etc.

I want to see the kind of thing where they getting this silliness from and identify some of the more obscure 'power moves' so I'm fully prepared to trip them up and make them feel utterly paranoid and turn them into a 'power failure'.

Any sites? Any books (I'll steal PDFs of those).

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