
Rant: I am tired of doing this admin duties at my job

Not in my almost 20 years of working have I ever been asked to do personal admin type duties at my job. Not when I was working at the fast food place, not when I was working at a restaurant, not when I was a lowly entry level office worker nor when I ran a department. I'm at a new job and I keep being asked to do admin stuff for the CEO. Order flowers, schedule flights, get his oil changed, make phone calls. I HATE it. It's not my main job responsibility nor did it say that in any of my responsibilities when I was hired. I work for a baby boomer who probably expects those things. It is the company culture there so refusing to do it is not a possibility. I don't like the idea of doing personal chores for someone else, I don't like the stress…

Not in my almost 20 years of working have I ever been asked to do personal admin type duties at my job. Not when I was working at the fast food place, not when I was working at a restaurant, not when I was a lowly entry level office worker nor when I ran a department. I'm at a new job and I keep being asked to do admin stuff for the CEO. Order flowers, schedule flights, get his oil changed, make phone calls. I HATE it. It's not my main job responsibility nor did it say that in any of my responsibilities when I was hired. I work for a baby boomer who probably expects those things. It is the company culture there so refusing to do it is not a possibility. I don't like the idea of doing personal chores for someone else, I don't like the stress of being responsible for their personal lives outside of work, and I think it's demeaning to ask me to do stuff like that. Why in the world would they think this is okay in 2022?

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