
Stop giving 2 weeks notice!

At least once A-day I get on here and see someone giving 2 weeks notice before quitting a job. It usually starts off with someone eloquently stating that they all know while they're working for someone else. This never works the way people think it will in their heads, if you're going to leave your job leave that day never give any notice they don't care about you. They'll escort you out and replace you as fast as possible never give them the advantage of prep-time.

At least once A-day I get on here and see someone giving 2 weeks notice before quitting a job. It usually starts off with someone eloquently stating that they all know while they're working for someone else. This never works the way people think it will in their heads, if you're going to leave your job leave that day never give any notice they don't care about you. They'll escort you out and replace you as fast as possible never give them the advantage of prep-time.

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