
Do I need this side job? No. Do I want this side job? Not anymore.

So I (28m) will start off by acknowledging my own privilege and luck, as my career pays for all of my needs while offering excellent work life balance. The issue is not with my career, it is with a side job. My family were residential and commercial cleaners for as long as I can remember, and have had contracts in multiple areas in my city. My career has taken me out of this are, however because I grew up in it the job is second nature to me. To get a little extra cash and “keep a contract in the family” I took over a 4hr/week contract at just over $300/month at a storage facility that I had worked on since I was 13 to do on the weekends with 100% of the money going towards my wedding. I have had this contract for almost a year without a complaint;…

So I (28m) will start off by acknowledging my own privilege and luck, as my career pays for all of my needs while offering excellent work life balance.

The issue is not with my career, it is with a side job. My family were residential and commercial cleaners for as long as I can remember, and have had contracts in multiple areas in my city. My career has taken me out of this are, however because I grew up in it the job is second nature to me. To get a little extra cash and “keep a contract in the family” I took over a 4hr/week contract at just over $300/month at a storage facility that I had worked on since I was 13 to do on the weekends with 100% of the money going towards my wedding. I have had this contract for almost a year without a complaint; on the contrary, rave reviews from the staff best it's been in a long time (my little brother had it before me because he needed the money but would sometimes just not show up).

As of this month a manager was hired as the old one had decided to retire. This manager is…. Extra. We'll call him T(M, age unknown). To get my phone number, T contacted my literal grandparents (who have the contract for another facility under the same company) for my contact information. 20 seconds into his first conversation with me at my normal place of work T accused me of not cleaning the washrooms and offering sloppy services. Additionally T now says that people are complaining the facility is dirty and wants to meet face to face to “discuss the contract”. As these “complaints” only started when he did, I declined this request, as his previous phone call did not occur in good faith and stated that all correspondence between us is to occur in writing. He has since refused to respond.

As a result, I have taken the time to reflect and decide that even though I like extra money, it is worth it to get my weekend time back and not have a mircomanager, and officially gave 2 month notice of contract termination to the General Manager. The General Manager has been very good to our family when they were financially struggling, and that is the only reason I gave 2 months notice in order to organize another cleaner contract. In my notice I also gave ample credit to T for my decision, and offered my condolences to the staff walkouts he may cause, and that while it has only been less than a month his behaviour will both not change and not be tolerated.

On a side note, my contract is well below market rate for a cleaner, as part of the negotiation of come in when you can and have little-to-no oversight as I have already been established and proved myself.

I sent my notice a couple hours ago and received an acceptance from the GM of it. I intend to hold my end of the bargain. Again I am very thankful to be in a position to be able to reject a toxic workplace and nip it in the bud before it escalates further. Furthermore it is such a breath of fresh air to have an end date and never have to step into a self storage facility again. I am at peace with it.

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