
I had no money this week, and now I have negative money….. I spent this morning going to the workforce office, who then sent me to a VA office who then told me they didn’t have anything at all available. I don’t care about trying anymore. No big rant, no sad explanations, I just don’t care anymore

Honestly these offices are a big cycle of claiming to have a lot of answers to have zero answers. In the entirety of my adult life the workforce has only ever found me one job. That's pretty fucking sad. ​ I could at least be told where to get a basic brown bag sandwich lunch. ​ I don't think I have much to say anymore, I mean what is there to fucking say? ​ EVERYTHING FUCKING SUCKS? Great…. now what? Now nothing ​ I don't care to try anymore

Honestly these offices are a big cycle of claiming to have a lot of answers to have zero answers. In the entirety of my adult life the workforce has only ever found me one job. That's pretty fucking sad.

I could at least be told where to get a basic brown bag sandwich lunch.

I don't think I have much to say anymore, I mean what is there to fucking say?

EVERYTHING FUCKING SUCKS? Great…. now what? Now nothing

I don't care to try anymore

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