
Why do Boomers think they just hand out well paying jobs at job centers?

I’ve been having a difficult time finding a work after my 3 month temp job didn’t work out. Unemployment in my state is taking 14 weeks to investigate claims currently and I blew through the little saving I had. I apply to 10 jobs per day, but as we all know employers are taking their sweet time responding. I am very lucky to have parents that can help me out whilst I job search. Several times now, my mother as urged me to go to the job center with my resume and see what they have to offer. She also stating perhaps I should apply for vocational rehab to learn more skills so I’m desirable candidate. This is a woman who hasn’t worked since mid 80’s. Today she threatened to stop supporting me if I didn’t go to the job center and see if they have work. Mind you I…

I’ve been having a difficult time finding a work after my 3 month temp job didn’t work out. Unemployment in my state is taking 14 weeks to investigate claims currently and I blew through the little saving I had. I apply to 10 jobs per day, but as we all know employers are taking their sweet time responding.

I am very lucky to have parents that can help me out whilst I job search. Several times now, my mother as urged me to go to the job center with my resume and see what they have to offer. She also stating perhaps I should apply for vocational rehab to learn more skills so I’m desirable candidate. This is a woman who hasn’t worked since mid 80’s.
Today she threatened to stop supporting me if I didn’t go to the job center and see if they have work. Mind you I had a few interviews, but no bites because I’m up against 50 other applicants. I told her I’d be happy to show her the 60 plus applications I’ve put in on indeed/company sites in the last 3 weeks. She then accused me of ignoring low paying jobs ; we’re talking 12.00-15.00 hr range. She responded that’s not realistic and just find a low paying job and then reconvene on the job search then.

I explained to her that those jobs can’t pay my current bills due to the hours per week they provide. Again she urged me to go to the job center and see if they had high paying jobs. I said I can access the jobs that they’re offering online and newsflash they either pay nothing or are in an industry that I have 0 experience in. A majority of the postings are looking for a journeyman electrician, oil worker or travel nurse. My parents seem to think the job center is a magic job bank that I’m refusing to utilize. I went to one of their online job fairs, and surprise no jobs or interviews to be found…just another person telling me to apply online.

I have 10 + years of office experience, 5 in a leadership position in hospitality/tourism. For god sake, I been working retail since I was 14. I have plenty of experience for the market I’m in, but I refuse to apply for jobs that refuse to get with the times and pay a living wage. I’ve repeatedly tried to meet my parents in the middle and said I would love to go back to school to be a vet tech. They have a 2 year program at the local community college. No dice, go to job center to learn free skills.

On the flip side of the coin, I have the state of Colorado holding back 4 months of unemployment because they have don’t have enough employees to investigate claims. If I had that then I wouldn’t have to rely on my parents for help. It like the state government is hoping holding back funds will force desperate people to go back to predatory employers. Anyway, if you read all of my vent, I appreciate it.

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