
So ready to quit.

Sorry in advance if this isn't appropriate here, I just am so frustrated. ​ I work in an office and for the last year I had been told I'd be promoted to office manager when the current one stepped down. ( there's a lot to this, I don't want to get too far into details just in case) I didn't really want it but I do care about the practice and have spent the last several years being the one who steps up and take things on, including working overtime and doing things outside of my job duties. I already know what a mistake that was, and for about six months I've been contemplating leaving as I am doing three peoples full time job. ​ I asked for a raise. I was told that I can only get a dollar an hour more and that's because they are trying to…

Sorry in advance if this isn't appropriate here, I just am so frustrated.

I work in an office and for the last year I had been told I'd be promoted to office manager when the current one stepped down. ( there's a lot to this, I don't want to get too far into details just in case) I didn't really want it but I do care about the practice and have spent the last several years being the one who steps up and take things on, including working overtime and doing things outside of my job duties. I already know what a mistake that was, and for about six months I've been contemplating leaving as I am doing three peoples full time job.

I asked for a raise. I was told that I can only get a dollar an hour more and that's because they are trying to hire someone else to help me handle the work. A week later I am told its because they are hiring a new manager to take over the job that has been dangled in front of my face for months. AND I'm expected to learn how to do the job to help them.

Yesterday, I was told via text it is my job to fire someone ( who honestly has some very unsafe practices and probably shouldn't have been hired but whatever.), I have responded that it is outside of my duties and I am unable to do so. I've been ignored. I'm sure there is a lecture coming and that I may end up getting fired once my new boss starts

I'm looking for a new job, I'm applying everywhere because I genuinely can't go without pay, but oh how i wish that I could just let them know I'm walking and it's not my job to be their and the client punching bag anymore.

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