
We do what we must to survive and got a reprimand from the coordinator for it (or specifically my coworker did)

This is my first post on Reddit, but I need to get this off my chest, and I don't know of any better place. Also, English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes I did. Unfortunately, my long-time friend and I, work together at a fast food joint from under the logo of the yellow letter from the alphabet. We've been working there for the same amount of time, we were both promoted at the same time, we're now managers, and it's been fairly short time since April. As you can easily guess, working at a fast food joint for the lowest wage is not some dream and we are understaffed. Last Sunday, however, was a nightmare, with 6 people falling off our schedule. We did not have all positions filled as it should have been. And the traffic started, and it was a lot of traffic,…

This is my first post on Reddit, but I need to get this off my chest, and I don't know of any better place. Also, English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes I did.

Unfortunately, my long-time friend and I, work together at a fast food joint from under the logo of the yellow letter from the alphabet. We've been working there for the same amount of time, we were both promoted at the same time, we're now managers, and it's been fairly short time since April.

As you can easily guess, working at a fast food joint for the lowest wage is not some dream and we are understaffed.

Last Sunday, however, was a nightmare, with 6 people falling off our schedule. We did not have all positions filled as it should have been. And the traffic started, and it was a lot of traffic, one of the worse we've had.

And it wasn't ending. Every minute more and more customers were coming in, we were not making it, so I, as a shift manager, made the decision to turn off the self-service checkouts. All of them. We left only one cash register logged in so that the orders would come in gradually, not a few at a time.

It was a nightmare, everyone stayed longer. Some an hour, some two, my friend stayed 3 because he had to clean the coffee and ice cream stand because no one was assigned there for the day.

I was supposed to leave work at 11pm, however, I stayed until 1am. The manager taking over the shift for me arrived at work two hours early to help us.

That's just part of what happened. Logging off the cash registers was a key decision, otherwise we might not have made it at all.

The whole story, along with photos of the number of orders in the restaurant, a photo of the dispensing times and a schedule showing that everyone stayed longer was sent to a special group where our Coordinator is in.

She didn't write anything, just “ok”. Restaurant owner? He's on vacation, he didn't write anything back, he doesn't even need to since he's off.

Today, however, my friend was at work has a morning shift. And the Coordinator arrived. He called me that he had a conversation with her. That she was yelling at him, about decision to include self-service checkouts, even though it was my decision. She challenged him that it was the fault of our organization, that if she had been there she would have handled all this traffic in 20 minutes.

In 20 minutes she would have done something that took almost eight hours. Because that's how much we were all agonizing over, it was impossible to get off orders, people were coming and going, waiting 15 minutes at a time in the checkout line to wait another 30 minutes for food.

This was the fault of our organization, at a time when a lot of people had left, and for some reason we were forbidden to hire people for July.

And the worst part is that a friend of mine flopped, because he just happened to be on hand. He was reprimanded for my decision.

As soon as I heard this, I wanted to go at the same moment to give notice, but I know I can't, the bills don't pay themselves.

I informed another manager who was working with us at the time about the whole incident. Because I felt that he should know that despite all this, working beyond our strength, and so according to “the top” we did everything wrong.

I honestly do not know what to do, or how to behave in the event of a confrontation with the Coordinator. I don't know what to say to her, what arguments to draw.

All I know is that it's time to write a resume again and start looking for another job.

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